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A Million Dirty Secrets: The Million Dollar Duet Part One Page 20

  “Tragic,” I muttered sarcastically.

  “I know, right?” she said as if it really was. “Okay, look; I’ll tell you, but only after you tell me what the real deal is between you and Noah.”

  I thought about the dream, but that was all it had been. Right? Noah could never feel that way about me, no matter how good I was at deep-throating his colossal cock. “The real deal is that it’s a business transaction, Polly. Nothing more,” I said matter-of-factly.

  “I’m not buying it, Lanie. You can lie to Noah, or even to yourself for that matter, but I don’t believe it,” she said, calling me out. “I heard you. Before I woke you up. You were talking in your sleep, and from the sounds of it, you’ve got it bad for the boss man, sister.”

  “Goddamnit, Polly! Is there ever a time when you’re not being nosy?” I asked, offended by the invasion of privacy.

  “Hey! Don’t you use the Lord’s name in vain with me!” she chastised me, her finger wagging.

  I put my elbows on the table and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. “I’m sorry, Polly. Look, this isn’t exactly an ideal situation for me. I’m falling for the man who paid enough money to feed a starving village for longer than I have any knowledge of, just so he can get in my pants anytime he wants with no strings attached. And try as I might to hate him, I can’t! What’s wrong with me? It’s not Stockholm syndrome, because I haven’t exactly been kidnapped and I’m not being kept here against my will. I signed on for this, but it’s getting to be too real. You know?”

  Polly nodded with a sincere look on her face as I continued to ramble on. “And with all the stuff I have going on back home, all I can do is throw up my hands and say, ‘Jesus, please take the wheel’—which isn’t going to do me a whole hell of a lot of good, because the life I’m living isn’t exactly saintly—but I have no clue what I’m doing here. And I seem to be digging myself in further and further. I mean, I know I’m just a whore to him, and that he could never feel anything for me that’s even remotely close to the mad crush I have on him, but … ugh!”

  I took a deep breath. My face was flaming hot and I thought I might start crying at any moment. No way was I going to do that because it would make me look weak and even more vulnerable. But I was thankful that I could get at least some of it off my chest before a complete and total mental breakdown crept up on me. Because I was seriously close to that happening.

  Polly seemed to really get me, though, and contrary to her usual manner, she simply listened and let me vent without trying to force me to go into any more detail. There were no words to describe my gratitude.

  She stretched an arm across the counter and took my hand in hers with a comforting smile. “You’re carrying a pretty big burden, huh?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Polly and I both started laughing at the same time. Not a full-on belly laugh, one of those laughs where we both recognized how ridiculous my statement sounded after the huge load I had just dumped.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. You’re going to get through this. And you never know what might happen. I mean, Noah isn’t incapable of having feelings. At least, I don’t think he is. I’m sure that nasty little debacle with Julie was only a minor setback and not something that will leave him emotionally scarred for the rest of his life.”

  “Yeah, you were going to tell me about that. What’s the deal with him and that chick?”

  “Well, she’s a total bitch, for one,” she started with a disgruntled sneer. “Noah dated her for two years, give or take a lifetime. Her father, Dr. Everett Frost, is a really close friend of the family and that’s pretty much how they hooked up.”

  “I, um, I met Dr. Frost,” I said, remembering his name from the appointment.

  “Yeah, Everett’s a good guy. I don’t judge him by his offspring,” she said. “Anyway, Noah went away on a business trip, but he’d decided—against all better judgment—to propose to her when he got back. For some unknown reason, he thought he loved her. I’m not so sure he really knew what love was, and I’m still not convinced that he does even now. But anyway, he came home only to find his beloved Julie getting rammed in the ass by his best friend.”

  I gasped and put my hand over my heart. I wasn’t doing it for dramatic effect; it was a completely natural reaction to my shock. “Oh, no …”

  “Yeah, ‘oh, no’ is putting it mildly,” Polly said. “Needless to say, Noah’s heart was crushed, or maybe it was just his ego, but either way, he was devastated.” She paused and looked at me with this fearsome, overprotective mother-bear expression in her eyes. “And Lanie, I simply don’t know if he can take any more. So if this thing between you two really does advance to another level, you keep that in mind. We clear?”

  How sweet was that? She was about as big as a mosquito and every bit as annoying, and there she was, sounding all authoritative and issuing a thug’s warning. Somehow, though, I didn’t put it past her to follow through. Not that it was anything she’d have to be concerned about, because Noah Crawford didn’t feel that way about me and I was going to fight against every urge I had to make sure I didn’t put myself in front of that train either. Any type of feeling I was developing for him would have to be buried somewhere deep inside, lest my heart get ripped to shreds in the hands of the one man with enough power over me to do so.

  “Perfectly clear, Polly. No worries. Although I really don’t think Noah is the one you’re going to have to worry about getting hurt in this equation.”

  “Yeah, I get that. I know he seems like a hard-ass on the outside, but when he lets the real him shine through …” She sighed. “He’s got some real potential to be all that and a bag of chips. So I can absolutely see where there’s cause for worry.”

  “Ah, don’t say that, Polly,” I whined, and put my head in my hands.

  “Sorry, babe.” She stood and patted my shoulder. “Keep your chin up, and believe for all you’re worth that what’s meant to be will be.” She winked at me before grabbing her clutch and tucking it under her arm. “I have errands to run. I’ll talk to you later.”

  She gave me a chaste kiss on the cheek, and then all I heard was the clip-clop sound of her heels as she walked away, leaving me there to dwell on all my issues. The funny thing was that I didn’t dwell on it. I was more concerned about Noah and the horrible stuff he’d been through.

  Yeah, my problems were probably tons more pressing, what with my mother dying a little more each day, but it was the nurturing side of me—and probably my perpetual state of denial—that made me push that aside for the time being and just feel for him. I couldn’t imagine walking in on my best friend and my guy going at it like that.

  I cursed myself when an image of Dez and Noah together flashed behind my eyes and sent a shiver down my spine. Hell would freeze over before that would happen. I knew it, but if it ever did, Hell still wouldn’t be anywhere near as cold as my heart.

  Poor Noah. That explained why a wealthy man with looks to kill and a body to die for would stoop so low as to purchase a woman—so she could never pull something like that on him again.

  Stoop so low … that would put me on the bottom of the barrel then, wouldn’t it? Of course it would. Even though I wasn’t good enough for him, I pledged to make sure I took care of him the way he needed and wanted me to, if only for the couple of years I was bound to him.


  Ten minutes to purchase her.

  One hour to get her lips wrapped around my cock.

  Three days to taste her juices.

  Four days to pop her cherry.

  Two weeks to lose my fucking mind.


  Just over two weeks. Fifteen goddamn days.

  That was all it took for one purchased virgin to get me all kinds of wrapped around her cute little pinky. In the two years that Julie and I had been together, she never once managed to pull that off. But Delaine? My whole world had been turned upside down in just two motherfucking weeks.

t wasn’t at all how this was supposed to go down. How in the hell was I going to last two years when I’d already give her anything she asked for on a silver platter? Fucking Candy-Ass Crawford, that was what I should’ve changed my name to.


  I had done nothing but think about her all day at the office. And that was exactly why I pulled a desperate move like having Samuel bring her with him to pick me up. Yeah, I could’ve easily had him break every traffic law there was in the state of Illinois to get me to her quicker, but when I started to entertain the thought of purchasing a helicopter so that I could avoid the delay of rush hour traffic, I decided having her brought to me was probably the best alternative.

  I was sick in the head. And I probably should’ve looked into some sort of twelve-step program for my new obsession because there was no way it could have been healthy.

  Samuel pulled up to the curb where I was waiting impatiently, and before he could get out and open the door for me, I held my hand up to stop him. I’d get to her so much faster if I opened the door myself. I wrenched it open, and there she was … my million-dollar baby, wearing nothing but my robe and a pair of spike heels, just as I had requested when I called her earlier in the afternoon. And fuck me running, she was lounging back on the seat with the black silk of the robe open and hanging off her shoulders as it pooled around her body. Which was all her doing; I hadn’t requested that, but I was overjoyed that she’d taken some initiative.

  She was all cream and silk, and goddamn it, she was fondling her breast with one hand while the other caressed the flat plane of her stomach. Her naked flesh had only ever been touched by one other person like that—me—and it almost seemed to be beckoning me once more.

  My lips curled back into a protective snarl I didn’t even realize I was emitting as I scanned the area around me to see if anyone else had gotten an eyeful of my woman. I had to have her, had to mark my fucking territory, and I could not and would not wait until we were back to the seclusion of the house.

  “Home, Samuel,” I growled. “And take the scenic route or whatever. Just don’t disturb us.”

  “As you wish, sir.” He nodded, then got back in the driver’s seat.

  I quickly stepped inside and closed the door to shut the outside world out and keep Delaine’s hidden treasures all to myself. Because I was a selfish bastard and I never shared. Ever. I didn’t even want anyone else to see what I’d laid claim to.

  I knelt before her, threw my briefcase and the jacket I was holding to the side, and quickly undid my belt and pants before shoving them over my hips. My dick sprang free and I grabbed it to keep it from bouncing around all awkwardly.

  “Get it wet for me, kitten,” I said as I angled myself so that I was right in front of her face. God bless her, she licked her lips and eyed me hungrily before leaning forward and opening her mouth to take me in.

  I stopped her. “Not like that. Lick it, baby. I want to watch your tongue work me.”

  She gave me a sexy smirk and then flicked her tongue out to gather up the spot of pre-come on the tip. My dick twitched of its own accord and I hissed through my teeth. She kept her eyes on me as she wrapped her hand around the base of my cock and flattened her tongue out to give it a long lick from bottom to top.

  “Son of a bitch,” I groaned.

  Out of my peripheral vision, I caught her movement as she closed her thighs and worked them back and forth to create friction. I had to see her, needed to see the evidence of her arousal.

  “Let me see that pretty pussy, Delaine. Spread your thighs wide for me.”

  She made this greedy little sound, swirling her tongue around the head of my dick, and then she put one foot on the floor, opening her legs for me. Goddamnit, she was so fucking wet already. I cupped her bare sex with my hand and slid my fingers between her silky folds. She arched her back and rolled her hips to get closer, but I pulled away, wanting to tease her.

  “Don’t be mean,” she protested in a deep, sultry voice.

  I gently smacked the bundle of nerves at her apex once, twice, three times before applying pressure with three fingers and massaging it slowly. Delaine rolled her hips in a circle and pushed back against my fingers. Then I felt her hot mouth engulf my cock. I sucked in a breath of air as I watched her work me. My fingers slid down her center and I pushed all three inside her. It was a hell of a tight fit, but she moved forward to meet them regardless. I eased them out and reinserted two so that I could curl them back and forth over her little magic G-spot, which really sent her into a feeding frenzy on my cock.

  Two weeks ago she’d been a virgin. Today I’d have sworn she was a professional.

  “Oh, fuck! Easy, baby. You’re gonna make me come,” I warned her. As good as it felt to release in her mouth and watch her swallow me down, that wasn’t what I wanted this time. I needed to mark her, from the inside out.

  I tried to pull away, but she had a tight grip on my cock. So I removed my fingers and pushed against her shoulder to get her to release her hold. She gave me a pout, and it was so fucking sexy I had to lean forward and suck on that bottom lip. She wound her fingers through the hair at my nape and pushed her tongue past my lips to seek out mine. I gave it to her without putting up a fight, but only briefly, because I needed to be inside her and didn’t want to waste any more time.

  So I broke the kiss and grabbed her roughly behind her knees, yanking her forward until she was slouched in front of me with her ass hanging halfway off the seat. I spread her legs and positioned myself between them, my cock straining to get inside. Delaine rolled her body, trying to get closer, but I still wanted to play.

  “Watch, baby. Watch my cock while I fuck you.” Her eyes drifted to the space between us and her mouth dropped open when I took the head of my dick and rubbed it back and forth between her folds and over her clit. She was so wet and her pussy felt like hot silk.

  I pulled back the skin of her folds and watched as her entrance stretched. She was so fucking tight that it amazed me that I could ever fit inside her. She couldn’t even get her hand all the way around my thick cock, yet I’d had it inside that tiny little opening.

  I swirled the head of my dick around her entrance and then lined myself up. “Fuck, I need you. I have to be inside you.” Slowly I pushed into her a little at a time, watching as my cock disappeared bit by bit.

  She made this incredibly sexy sound.

  “You like the way that looks? It’s sexy as hell.” I realized I was rambling, but I really didn’t give a shit, because Jesus, it was incredibly erotic to watch.

  “God, yes,” she answered, and then I arched my brow at her because she’d said “God” instead of my name.

  I pulled out of her and made another pass over her clit until my cock lay between her folds. Then I held her lips in place and moved to and fro in a stroking motion. My cock was bathed in her wetness, glistening in the little bit of light that filtered in through the windows. I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled back and thrust deep inside her, eliciting a gasp from her strawberry-colored lips.

  “Oh, fuck, Noah,” she moaned as I gripped the tops of her thighs and thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. I noticed she only ever used the word “fuck” when I was making her feel good. That might have been a bit of an ego boost for me.

  We were both watching, both breathing through parted lips, both fascinated by how perfect we looked joined together. I could feel her walls gripping my cock tight as if her beautiful pussy was claiming me, unwilling to let go. My balls slapped against her ass cheeks with each thrust forward, creating a dual sensation. It was fucking heaven, and I needed her to come because there was something else I wanted to do before I had my release.

  “Touch us, kitten. Cup yourself with the palm of your hand and spread your fingers around my cock,” I instructed her.

  With the hand attached to the wrist bearing my bracelet, she timidly reached forward and did what I said. Her head fell back, exposing that creamy neck in open invitation, and t
here was no way I was going to turn it down. I leaned forward and lightly scraped my teeth across her flesh before sucking it into my mouth. Then I kissed my way up to her ear, all the while pumping my engorged cock into her gorgeous body.

  “Did you miss me today, Delaine? Because I fucking missed you. I had to jack off three times because I couldn’t stop thinking about how good you feel wrapped around my cock.” I accentuated my point by thrusting faster. “Did you? Did you play with yourself while you thought about fucking me? Maybe you even pulled out my gift for some practice rounds? Did you get yourself off, kitten?”

  She nodded, but that wasn’t enough.

  “Tell me. I want to hear you.”

  “Twice,” she admitted. “And it was nowhere near as good as the real thing.”

  “That’s … what I’m … talkin’ … ’bout,” I growled, emphasizing each word with a deep thrust of my cock.

  She whimpered in response and wrapped my tie around her fist before yanking hard and pulling me to her mouth. I ravished her with a hungry kiss, laying claim to what I already knew was mine, but reaffirming it just in case. Our tongues moved deftly against each other as I gripped her hips harder and fucked her faster.

  My cock pumped in and out of her and I could feel the walls of her pussy constrict around my thickness with each push and pull. I broke our fevered kiss and dipped my head to capture a pert nipple between my lips to lightly graze it with my teeth. I felt the nails on her free hand scrape my scalp as she held me to her, and I regretfully had to break that shit up so that I could sit back because I wanted even deeper. I watched as my cock appeared and then disappeared inside her over and over again, aided by her arousal.

  “Put your fingers in my mouth, kitten. Let me taste you.”

  The way Delaine played along and followed every single one of my directions was just fucking great. She slipped her fingers between her folds, gathering up her juices before she brought them to my mouth. She ran the tips along my lips teasingly and I flicked my tongue out to gather up her offering before I opened my mouth and allowed her to push them inside. I groaned loudly when her taste hit my tongue. She was so goddamn delicious. I licked her clean before releasing her fingers again.