A Million Dirty Secrets: The Million Dollar Duet Part One Page 19
My tongue slipped out to wet my lips as I ogled it, feeling suddenly ravenous. Then I slid my hands over the two luscious mounds and palmed them greedily.
“Your ass is so perfect.” I leaned forward, gave it a quick flick of my tongue, and then bit him.
Noah flinched with a hiss and I bit him again, but on the other cheek. He was delicious. I took a hunk of his skin into my mouth and gave it all the suction I had. Oh, God, I was finally getting what I wanted most, and it was so worth the wait. My moans mixed with Noah’s hisses and then some stuff went down seriously fast.
Somehow Noah was able to flip over without bucking me off him and onto the ground. I found myself straddling his chest with my legs over his shoulders, the Ridonkabutt nowhere to be found. I was kind of miffed about that, but I quickly settled down when I felt Noah’s mouth frenching the Cooch.
“Shit …,” I said with a sharp intake of breath when I realized he had also managed to pull the strings on my bikini bottom and had me bare. When Noah Crawford wanted something, you couldn’t bat a lash around him or you were going to miss seeing how he got it. Not that I was complaining or anything.
He looked up at me from between my legs. “Take your top off for me. I want you to feel the cool night air against those beautiful little pink nipples.”
I reached behind my neck and pulled at the string and let the top fall forward. He kept his eyes on my every movement while he gently kissed and sucked at my clit. My nipples were already pebbled and I wanted to give him a show, so I palmed my breasts and rolled the rosy peaks between my fingers. He hummed in appreciation and then I released the tie at my back and tossed my top to the side.
“Lie back, baby. Let me make you feel good.” His arms came up to my sides and he helped ease me back until my stomach was flat and I could feel his cock under my shoulder. Then he slid his hands back down my sides and grabbed my hips. The sky was clear and the moon was full and fat overhead. I could see each and every single star in the night sky, and it felt like I had been warped into another universe. Noah was doing that otherworldly thing with his mouth as a gentle breeze washed over my skin, and I could hear all the nocturnal sounds of crickets and other bugs and animals around us. It was serene and exotic.
I felt Noah’s tongue enter me and I suddenly wanted more, to feel him inside me right in that exact place at that exact moment. Not that what he was doing didn’t feel simply awesome; I just wanted more.
I didn’t want to argue. I didn’t want to think. I didn’t want to do anything but feel.
So I sat up, and after a brief protest from Noah, I broke up his little make-out session with the Cooch.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked, confused.
I simply shook my head as I straddled his waist. “No talking. Just feeling,” I whispered against his lips, then kissed him passionately.
His arms wrapped around my back and he held me to him, answering my kiss with an equal fervor. This was what I was looking for. Our bodies said things our mouths would never admit. There was no competition, no challenge, just two people giving and taking in the most natural way, fulfilling a basic need.
I put my hands on his chest for leverage and raised myself up. His eyes were locked with mine as I rolled my body and slid my wet folds along his length. I had no idea if I was doing any of this right because I’d never been in control before. I only did what felt nice to me and hoped he liked it, too. When his lips parted and his eyes became hooded, I had my answer.
My hands traveled down his chest and over the defined muscles of his abdomen until I found his monstrous cock. I lifted myself off him and positioned him at my entrance, but then I hesitated. God, I so did not want to mess this up.
Noah must have sensed my unease because he caressed my thigh and in the most tender voice said, “Just ease down slowly, kitten, or you’ll hurt yourself.”
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as I followed his instruction, feeling every bit of his massiveness fill me inch by magnificent inch.
“That’s it, baby. God, you feel so fucking incredible.”
“I don’t know what to do,” I confessed once I had taken him all the way in. His cock was so much deeper from this angle than it had ever been before.
“Move your hips, up and down, back and forth. Ride me, baby. Do whatever feels good to you, and I promise it’ll feel good for me, too.” Then he licked his luscious lips and said, “Come here and kiss me.”
I leaned forward and he craned his neck up to meet me. As he did so, he held my hips and slowly began to move back and forth inside me. Then he swiveled his hips and I felt him grind against my clit. I gasped when a shock wave of pleasure shot through my body.
He broke our kiss. “See? Just like that.”
I kept my eyes on his and my hands on his chest as I sat up a little and rolled my hips to re-create the same sensation. I could feel the ridges of the head of his dick, the throbbing of his pulse, the pressure of his hands as he pulled me back and forth. His thumbs were pressed to the sensitive spot over my hip bones and I moaned and dropped my head back. The stars and moon were looking down on me, and I was convinced that this was the most perfect I had ever felt in my entire life. I felt alive, no longer numb.
“What are you thinking about, kitten?” Noah’s voice was raspy and filled with desire.
“How perfect this feels,” I answered honestly, and then looked back down at him.
He rose up into a sitting position and cupped my face in his hands, pulling me in for a languid kiss. It was deep and sensual and perfect for the moment. Neither of us rushed. We took our time and enjoyed the feel of each other without any thought of contracts, illnesses, or reasons.
He wrapped one arm around my waist while the other massaged a breast. Then he broke the kiss and his mouth latched on to my other breast to gently suckle me. I ran my fingers through his hair and held him to me, my own locks falling forward and creating a curtain around him. I moved my hips faster and rode him with more purpose than when we had begun. The tip of his tongue flicked at my nipple, and I closed my eyes as that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach spiraled out of control. My orgasm released like tiny molecules exploding through my blood. His name spilled from my lips and echoed through the otherwise silence of the night, and I heard him growl.
When the moment had nearly passed, Noah lifted me up and put me on my back. Then he put my arms above my head and linked his fingers with mine to hold my hands in place, lying flush with me. In and out he moved, intensifying my orgasm and bringing it back to life.
“Goddamn, you’re beautiful, Delaine. Do you know that? So fucking beautiful.”
He gripped my hands tighter and thrust deeper, but not faster. The look in his eyes was intense and his lips were slightly parted as he looked down on me. “I’m sorry … for everything. I’m so sorry.”
Before I could ask him what that was about, his lips were on mine. He hummed and moaned and grunted, assaulting my mouth with a ferocious hunger. I answered the best I could, but he was simply out of my league on that one. It was a desperate kiss, like he couldn’t get enough, which was just fine with me because I never wanted that moment to end. But I was concerned. His movements became more erratic and I heard that familiar guttural growl that always preceded his release. Then, as forecasted, he broke the kiss and came inside me. His eyes never left mine.
“Oh, fuck—so good,” he ground out between clenched teeth. His thrusts became uneven and staggered as the last of his seed sputtered forth. When he was done, he collapsed on top of me before he clutched my body to his and rolled us over onto our sides.
Noah was still breathing heavily when he pushed the hair back out of my face and gave me an adoring look. Then he leaned forward and kissed me gently on my swollen lips.
“Why did you say you’re sorry? For what?” I asked, because I had to know.
He sighed and shook his head. “For badgering you about the name thing. I was being unreasonable. It makes sense that yo
u would want me to call you by your given name instead of one that’s so much more familiar.”
“Oh. Well, you definitely made up for it.” I laughed lightly.
“No, that was all you. You’re incredible.”
“I am pretty spectacular, aren’t I?” I joked. The Cooch popped her collar.
At least my uncharacteristic arrogance got a laugh out of him, and it was surreal because he didn’t do a whole lot of laughing. He pulled me closer, and I nuzzled into his chest to listen to the heavy thud of his heartbeat while looking up at the sky. I think I made a comment about how beautiful the stars were and I heard him murmur his agreement, but for the most part we were silent. I would’ve given anything to hear what he was thinking, but I knew it would probably just turn into another one of those petty arguments we tended to have. And I really didn’t want to ruin the moment. So I kept my mouth shut and basked in the feeling. Because between Noah and me, both of us stubborn as mules, who knew what tomorrow would hold?
I was dreaming. I could feel Noah’s body against my back, holding me under a star-filled sky and whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I drew his arms tighter around my waist.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,” he whispered. “But now that I have you here, I can never let you go. Never, Delaine. You are a part of me now. I can’t let you walk away from me.”
“There’s no place else I’d rather be, Noah,” I sighed, and nuzzled closer. “I want to be here like this with you forever. Hold me tight and don’t ever let me go.”
“Never. I love you, Lanie. Please tell me you …” His raspy voice faded out and the scene around me became fuzzy and melted away. I desperately tried to summon it back with my mind, but it was too late. I was rousing from my sleep, and it was simply gone.
“Please tell me you don’t lie around and sleep all damn day.”
“Huh?” I sat up and blindly looked around the room, which really didn’t work well when my hair was all over my face like Cousin Itt from The Addams Family. My hands clumsily swiped at the rat’s nest, enough to part the curtain of mane so that I could see the little pissant that dared disturb my slumber. Because that sure wasn’t Noah’s voice.
“Go away, Polly,” I huffed, then fell back onto the bed in dramatic fashion. I grabbed Noah’s pillow and hugged it to my chest as I inhaled his scent and sighed contentedly. “I’m sleeping.” There was still a chance I could recapture my dream if she’d stay quiet and just disappear.
“Not anymore, you’re not,” she said, and then I heard her skip across the room to do God only knew what, but I swore if she jumped on me, I was going to give her a thunder flick to the forehead, followed up by a wet willy to the ear. She was way too bubbly in the mornings, and probably deserved it for that fact alone, but I was biding my time so that I’d have the element of surprise on my side.
“What do you want?” I half whined as she pulled the drapes back and let the bright morning sun assault my comfy-cozy surroundings. I practically hissed and buried my face in my pillow. Then thoughts of vampires filtered into my brain, which then led to thoughts of the vampiric sex Noah and I had had in the entertainment room.
We should so do that again.
The Cooch perked up like ten thousand milligrams of caffeine had been pumped into her. Slut. I guess she was seconding the motion.
“Well, for starters, I’d like for you to do something with that godawful stuff you call hair,” Polly said, and I felt her delicately lift one tangled lock of it before dropping it again and rubbing her hands together. You’d think she thought I had cooties or something. “And then we need to have a talk.”
“About what?” My sleepy voice was muffled by the pillow, and I almost gagged when my morning breath came back at me. The hair could wait; I needed some toothpaste and a toothbrush.
“Stuff. Now get your little butt up before I go get a pitcher of ice water and throw it on you,” she said, and smacked me on the ass.
I sat up with a huff and narrowed my eyes at her before I got right in her face. “I really can’t stand you, Polly. You know that?”
Once I’d showered—pleasuring myself twice with the help of my nifty little Crawford bullet—shaved, and, yes, brushed my teeth, I went back out into the bedroom, where Polly had already made the bed and evidently picked out my clothes for the day. I dressed and threw my hair up into a messy bun before I made my way downstairs.
“Polly?” I called, having no clue where she would be.
“In here!” she yelled from the kitchen.
When I entered, I found she already had coffee made and had poured me a cup. “Wow, you almost look human.”
“You may have just saved yourself from getting your butt kicked,” I countered, because the best part of waking up really was Folgers in your cup. However, I highly doubted the rich aroma I smelled was Folgers. Noah would’ve had nothing but the best gourmet coffee known to man in his house.
I took a seat across from her at the kitchen island and started shoveling sugar into my coffee. “So what’s so important that you had to disturb my beauty sleep?”
“We’ll get to that. First of all, I want to know if you tried the deep-throat thing,” she asked, ready to dish.
“Yep. And I do believe you’d make one hell of a Yoda, and not just because you’re vertically challenged.”
“A quick learner you were, young Skywalker. Or should I say, young Streetwalker?” she said in her best Yoda impersonation. We both laughed, but then Polly abruptly stopped and cleared her throat. “Um, sorry,” she said with a ping of guilt on her face.
“For what?” I asked, confused.
“Oh, um, nothing.” She took a sip of her coffee.
“Uh-uh. No way. You spill. Now.” I pointed a finger at her.
Polly set her cup down and heaved a great sigh. “Oh, God. He’s going to kill me. I just know it,” she said as she nervously wrung her hands.
“Who? Noah?” I knew that was whom she was talking about. “For what, Polly?”
She scrunched her face up like she was about to say something she didn’t really want to say. Then she covered her face with her hands and peeped out at me between her fingers. “I know, Lanie. I know everything.”
“What’s everything, munchkin? You’re not giving me anything to go on here,” I said with a roll of my hand, hoping to encourage her to keep the deets coming.
“I know about the contract that you and Noah have. I know that he paid two million dollars for you to come here to live with him for the next two years. I know that you two aren’t a legitimate couple. I know about the sex. Oh, God, Lanie, I know about everything, and I really wish I didn’t because it’s just too much, too overwhelming for someone like me to handle,” she blurted out in one long strand of frantic words.
My hands were shaking so badly I had to set down the coffee mug I was holding, for fear that I might drop it, or throw it across the room at a wall, or whatever. “He told you?” My voice was relatively calm, which surprised the heck out of me.
“No, no, no, no, nooooo. Please, Lanie, it’s not his fault,” she pleaded desperately, like she was trying to fix everything. “See, I do all his household accounting, and I saw the money transfer and confronted him about it. I put two and two together and ascertained that the money was transferred around the same time you showed up. And then, well, you know how I am already. I started to do some digging. But, to be fair, if you had just told me the truth when we first met, I wouldn’t have had to. I mean, you were talking about Elvis, Tupac, MJ, drag queens … And Noah wasn’t any help, either. When I asked him about the money, he said you used to be a man and it was for your sex change operation, and—”
“Ho, ho, hoooo!” I belted out, stopping her. “Wait, what did you just say?”
Polly took a deep breath. “Which part? Or do you want me to start all over again?”
“God, no. I don’t think my brain could take that a se
cond time.” I pinched the bridge of my nose because I had a massive headache threatening to break loose courtesy of all the yammering and revelations that were being thrown at me. “Polly? Did you say Noah told you I used to be a man and had a sex change?”
“Yeah, but he also said he was joking,” she said with a shrug and then her eyes got wide as saucers. “He was joking, right? You didn’t really have a schlong, did you?”
“Yes!” I screeched.
“Yes, you had a schlong?” she asked with an expression of shock—and, possibly, even a wee bit of curiosity—on her face.
“No, Polly. Yes, he was joking,” I clarified. Noah Crawford had it coming big-time.
Vengeance would be mine.
“Good. I mean that’s … good,” she said with a sigh of relief. And then she propped her elbow up on the table with her chin in her hand. “Lanie, honey, why did you do it? Why did you sell yourself for sex?”
“It’s personal, Polly. And I don’t want you to go snooping around to find out. If you do, I swear I’ll kick your scrawny little ass,” I warned. She crossed her heart in a silent promise not to. “Besides, Noah doesn’t even know.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure he hasn’t pressed the issue with you, either, especially since that would mean he’d then have to tell you about Julie. The cow,” she murmured.
“Wait, that’s the second time you’ve said her name. What’s the deal with this chick? Is she an ex-girlfriend or something?” If anyone was going to spill the beans, it would be Polly. She had probably told me more than she was supposed to in the first place.
“I swear if he ever finds out about this, he’s going to fire me for real, and probably Mason, too. You know, the whole guilt-by-association thing. And then we’ll be homeless with nowhere to go, no money to shop with—”