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A Million Dirty Secrets: The Million Dollar Duet Part One Page 7

  “Pfft, that was soooo yesterday,” I scoffed. “Get over it already. Besides, I kissed it and made it all better for you last night.”

  Those words did not seriously come out of my mouth. And that quick, I was thinking about him coming in my mouth. Jesus, Lanie! Pull it together. You hate him, remember?

  Him. Not the Wonder Peen or those orgasmically long fingers, which he was currently drumming on his lick-me-right-here hips.

  “Fuck you! I hate you,” I said and then gasped immediately, covering my mouth. Not because I was afraid I’d offended him, but because dropping the F-bomb wasn’t something I normally did. I also didn’t normally think about fingers in the very sluttish way I had been mere seconds before. I decided to blame the chocolate and sugar overload for my temporary mental breakdown.

  “Oh, you are going to fuck me.” He stalked toward me. “A lot. Just not right now. We’ve got shit to do. Let’s go.”

  “Go where?”

  He grabbed my wrist and hoisted me up and away from my super-duper molester chair, keeping me in tow as he led me out of the room.

  “I’m taking you to your appointment.”

  “What appointment? I don’t have an appointment,” I said, trying to pull free from his grasp.

  “You do now. It would be quite irresponsible of me not to have you checked out by a physician before I pillage that sweet little pussy of yours, wouldn’t it?”

  I stopped dead in my tracks, forcing him to as well.

  “You’re taking my kitty to the vet?” I asked, insulted.

  “I don’t know you well enough to trust that you are everything that you say you are.” He pulled me roughly against his chest and cupped my ass. “I bought a virgin, and I intend to make sure I got what I paid for. Plus you’ll need birth control, because when I finally do get inside that tight little gold mine you’re sitting on, I want to make sure I can feel everything.”

  My jaw hit the floor.

  “Close your mouth, Delaine. Unless that’s an invitation for me to stick something in it,” he said, and then lifted my chin with his fingers to close my mouth before stepping away with a smile on his face.

  A minute or two later, I found myself sitting across from Noah in the back of his limousine and on my way to the twat doc.

  Noah lit a cigarette and blew the smoke toward the window he had cracked open. Normally I’d be all up in arms over the lack of consideration for my lungs, but the way he wrapped his lips around that filter … well, it made me think naughty, naughty things.

  “You can kiss me, you know,” he said as he took another draw from his cigarette. “I’m here for your pleasure just as much as you are for mine.”

  I crossed my legs, trying to find the friction that I now suddenly craved, and threw my arms across my chest defiantly. I didn’t say anything in response. I mean, what was I supposed to say to that?

  “This,” he said, making long strokes over his cock through his pants, “is for your pleasure as well. You shouldn’t be too shy to ask for what you want, Delaine. Or take what you want, for that matter, because I’m sure as hell not going to be.”

  I turned my head and looked out the window, trying to ignore the throbbing in my girly bits. Said girly bits, however, were salivating with the visual that his words provided. From the corner of my eye I saw him put his cigarette out before he said, “Here, let me show you.”

  He immediately crawled across the space between us and roughly uncrossed my legs before burying his face between my thighs. Then he cupped my ass with his hands and pulled me forward to give himself a better angle. I gasped in surprise when I felt the warmth of his breath seep through the thick material of my jeans while he worked his mouth back and forth over me. I watched the movement of his head in shock, and then he looked up at me and made a show of letting me see his long tongue lick from back to front. He bared his teeth and gave me a crooked grin before he nipped at the place just over my clit and winked.

  “Oh, God,” I moaned, and then grabbed two handfuls of his hair roughly and shoved his face between my legs.

  Noah’s mouth increased the pressure on my pussy. “Mmm … I love a woman who knows what she wants, Delaine.”

  The way he purred my name made my insides quake, threatening an eruption the likes of which Mount St. Helens had never seen. But then the bastard’s hands moved over mine and forced me to release my hold on his hair before he pulled back and placed one light kiss over my clit.

  “That was … promising.” He sighed. “I can’t wait to see your reaction when there are no clothes in the way, but unfortunately, that’s going to have to wait until later.”

  I sat there panting and completely unable to get my inner whore under control, but Noah sat back in his seat and straightened his clothes like he was totally unaffected by what he had just done to me. He ran his hands through his hair to repair the damage that I had done, and I screamed internally, wanting to yank it all out.

  The passenger door opened and Samuel greeted us with a smile. Noah stepped out onto the pavement and reached a hand out to help me. I accepted his offer, but only because I wanted to squeeze the hell out of his fingers, which I did, but he seemed unfazed by that as well. Bastard.

  Through my sexually frustrated rage, I barely registered that we were entering some sort of medical building and Noah was leading me down the hall and into an office area. The receptionist at the front greeted Noah in a professional manner, but she was undressing him with her eyes the whole time, seemingly oblivious to my presence. I knew I had no claims to him or anything, but she didn’t know that, so her shameless flirting rubbed me the wrong way.

  She probably wouldn’t have been the least bit deterred if I’d boasted that he’d just had his faced buried between my legs, the shameless hussy.

  Before my inner bitch could rip those fake lashes off her eyelids, we were escorted into an exam room, where the nurse took my vital signs and then told me to strip, handing me a paper gown to slip on. She also handed me some form that she said they needed me to complete for all my basic information, but Noah took it from her instead.

  “My uncle Daniel owns this practice,” Noah said when the nurse left the room. He was scribbling some information on the form. “He’s not a gynecologist, and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable around him later, so one of his colleagues, Everett, will be doing your examination.”

  I nodded, really hating what was about to happen.

  “Do you have any health issues they need to know about?”

  I shook my head in response, and he handed me the form to sign. When I gave it back to him, he motioned for me to undress and turned his back while he continued to talk. “I’ve told my family and friends that you and I met some time back on one of my trips to LA. They all think we’ve been secretly seeing each other for the past seven months and that I’ve finally convinced you to move to Oak Brook to live with me. I haven’t told any of them your name, so it’s up to you if you want to use your real name, or something else.”

  “Well, since you already put my real name on that form, I guess we’ll go with that.” I stepped out of my pants and folded them neatly before reaching for the blue paper gown. I heard him murmur an expletive under his breath. He apparently hadn’t thought of that before he filled out the form. “Besides, if we use something else, I’m probably just going to mess everything up. And thanks, by the way.”

  “For what?”

  “For at least coming up with a halfway decent story about me so that I don’t look like the whore you and I both know I really am.”

  He turned around then and took two long strides toward me until his body was so close to mine that I could feel the heat rolling off him in waves. He put his finger under my chin and lifted it so that I looked him in the eye. “I’d hardly call a virgin a whore.”

  I didn’t have a chance to respond because there was a light knock on the door. He stepped away from me before calling for whoever was on the other side to come in.

��Noah, my boy!” A jovial man wearing a white lab coat came into the room and hugged Noah. “It’s so good to see you. How have you been?”

  “I’m surviving,” Noah said with a genuine smile on his face as he hugged him back.

  The doctor turned to me then with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, but there was no file, so I’m afraid I don’t know your name.”

  “Delaine. Delaine Talbot,” I told him, and then suddenly became very fascinated by the plain white tiles on the floor beneath my feet.

  “Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Miss Talbot.” He shook my hand and then motioned for me to sit on the exam table as he sat on the little rolling stool in front of me. “Now, what can we do for you today?”

  “Delaine just needs a routine exam, and she’d like to go over her birth control options,” Noah answered for me.

  “I see. Well, the form of contraception you’re least likely to forget to take is the shot. Is that what you’d like to try?” he asked me with a polite smile.

  “Um …” I’d read some material on it during my last visit to my own doctor, but this was sort of last-minute, so I wasn’t really sure.

  “Each shot lasts for three months, and one of the perks for most of my patients is that it normally makes your cycle lighter or stops it completely. It’s been a pretty popular form of contraception over the last few years.”

  “Yeah, okay. That sounds good,” I answered with a shy nod.

  “Well then, let’s get started, shall we?” His smile was genuine and comforting.

  I lay back on the table and Noah came and stood by my head before I put my feet in the stirrups. It wasn’t like I’d never had a Pap smear before, but having all your goodies sprawled out like that in front of a perfect stranger was always unnerving. I mean, crotch docs saw a lot of snatch, so you had to wonder if yours looked any different from the others or if it had some kind of deformity of which you weren’t aware. Before I could even complete all my inner ramblings, he was backing away and patting my leg to tell me he was done.

  “There will be some cramping over the next few days. You can take some ibuprofen for the pain. And you might experience a little bit of bleeding, given your particular circumstance, but all in all, you should be fine.” He stripped his gloves off and disposed of them. “Make sure you come in if you experience anything irregular.”

  His assistant came up beside me and wiped my arm down with alcohol before she gave me a shot.

  “I’ll just leave you to get dressed now and then you’re free to go,” he said as he turned for the door. “Noah, it was great to see you again.”

  “You too, Everett, and thanks,” he said before turning back to me. “I’m just going to go settle up on the bill and I’ll meet you outside.”

  He followed the doctor and his assistant out and I jumped up, instantly regretting the fast movement because I was already feeling sore. I dressed as quickly as I could, wanting to get the hell out of there, and when I opened the door Noah was waiting for me.

  “You okay?” he asked, probably because I had an arm over my abdomen.

  “I’m cramping a little, but if I can just go home and lie down, I think I’ll be all right.”

  “Okay,” he said with a nod, and then pulled out his cell phone and pushed a button. “Good morning to you too, Polly,” he said into the phone. “I need you to wrap up whatever you’re doing at the house. I’m on my way there and my guest and I will need some privacy. … Yes, Polly, it’s her.” He rolled his eyes, but held my elbow and guided me out of the building and into the waiting limo. “She’s not up for visitors right now. Maybe in a couple of days. Call Mason and tell him that I’ll be back in the office within the hour. Thank you, Polly.”

  With that, he ended the call and sat next to me, draping his arm around my shoulders. “Polly takes care of all my personal business, including the household. She means well, but she can be a bit much to handle sometimes,” he explained. “It’ll be harder to fool her with our little secret than anyone else, so keep on your toes around her. She’s a sneaky little shit.”

  I nodded my understanding, and he cupped his hand to the side of my head and nudged me to lie over on his chest. It was probably too intimate a thing for him to do since we’d just met each other the night before, but considering the intimacy we had already shared, I supposed it was okay.

  I listened to the thrum of his heartbeat as we rode along in silence. And for the first time I actually paid attention to the way he smelled. I recognized the scent of his body soap and deodorant from this morning, but I also caught another scent that was more distinctive and so very … him.

  His fingers stroked my hair, and I closed my eyes, just enjoying the silence and his tender caresses. The action was so soothing that had I not been in a good deal of discomfort, I probably would’ve fallen asleep.

  All too soon we were home. Noah stepped from the car first and held his hand out to me, dismissing Samuel’s attempt to do his job. I slouched over because I was really starting to cramp a bit more by then.

  “Shit, are you okay?” Noah’s voice was frantic.

  “I’m fine. Just a bad cramp,” I said, trying to keep as much strain as possible out of my voice. I didn’t want him to think I was a big baby who couldn’t take a little bit of pain.

  Without warning, he scooped me up into his arms and carried me bridal-style through the front doors, which Samuel had already opened wide. I tried to get him to put me down, but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, he carried me all the way up the stairs and into his bedroom. He sat me down long enough to pull back the covers so that I could slide beneath them and then he was gone again.

  “Here, take these,” he said when he returned, handing me two pills and a glass of water.

  I took the offering and swallowed the pills down. Noah took the glass from my hands and put it on the nightstand beside me.

  “Will you be okay if I go back to work?” he asked, worry evident in his voice.

  “I’ll be fine. I just need a little nap,” I said through a stifled yawn. “Go. I can relax better if you’re not here anyway.”

  “Ouch, that hurt,” he chuckled lightly, with his hand to his chest. “Glad to see you haven’t lost that attitude. I’m sure you’ll be fine and ready to make another attempt at biting my dick off in no time flat.”

  He leaned over to kiss my lips and then stood up.

  “Do you have a cell phone?” he asked.

  “Yeah, it’s over there in my purse. Why? You’re not going to take it away from me, are you?” I asked, panicked that he might.

  “Not unless you give me a reason to,” he said, walking over and grabbing my purse.

  He handed it to me, and assuming he wanted my phone, I pulled it out and gave it to him. He pushed a few buttons before handing it back to me. His own phone started ringing then, and he pulled it out of his inside jacket pocket and silenced it.

  “I programmed my cell number into your phone, and now I have yours, too. Make sure you keep it on you at all times. Not only for your safety, but also because I won’t be happy in the slightest if you keep me waiting when I need you.” He put his phone back in his jacket. “Call me if you need me for anything. I mean it.”

  Although he was trying to be stern, I could see the sincerity in the expression on his face. I rolled my eyes and nodded sarcastically, because I just really loved to piss him off, and then turned my back to him, mumbling, “Go away already. Your face is making my uterus hurt.”

  It was true, but only because his face was so pretty and I wanted to ride it but couldn’t. And here was the odd thing about that: not only had I never given head, but I’d never been on the receiving end either. Now, all of a sudden, I couldn’t get the picture of his face between my legs out of my mind. Crazy.

  I’m telling you, it was because he was so damn pretty.

  “Mmm-hmm, okay then,” he said, like he didn’t believe a word of it. “I’ll see you later this evening.”

  I heard the door clo
se softly behind him and I snuggled into his pillow, inhaling his scent once again. While part of me was glad nothing would be expected of me for at least the rest of the day, I had to admit that another part, my budding inner miniwhore, was super bummed that apparently I wasn’t going to get another round with the King of the Finger Fuck either. With that depressing thought lingering in the back of my mind, I slowly drifted off to sleep.




  “Delaine,” a husky voice sang into my ear as I fought my way out of a sleepy haze. I faintly registered the feel of a rather large, warm hand stroking the inside of my thigh and I moaned involuntarily.

  “You should be more careful about the sounds you make in your sleep. Moaning like that might make me lose what little control I’m maintaining. It does unspeakable things to me.”

  Hot breath washed over the skin of my neck, and the most delicious shiver ran down my back when I felt his tongue suck my earlobe into his mouth and then his soft lips closed around it. His hand began to knead my thigh as it gradually moved higher, causing me to squirm in an attempt to find the perfect placement for optimal advantage.

  “Shit,” he cursed, and then pulled away all too quickly.

  My eyes shot open and I gasped, realizing the traitorous response his touch, coupled with his sultry words, had evoked from my body.

  Noah ran his hand through his hair, nervous and obviously aroused. “Dinner is ready. You should probably get up and try to eat something.”

  Really? I had lost a whole day?

  I buried my face under the covers, because seeing him looking all breathless and horny was making me react the same way, and now was not the time to lose my composure over him.

  “I’m not hungry,” I mumbled into my pillow.

  “Regardless, you need to eat. Now, either you can get up on your own and join me in the dining hall, or I can throw you over my shoulder, carry your ass downstairs, and force-feed you. Which is it?”